Honey Bees gather pollen and energy-rich nectar for their survival. As they flutter around they transfer pollen from one flower to another, fertilizing the plant so it can grow and reproduce.

Bees transfer pollen between the male and female parts of plants allowing the plants to producsseds and fruits, without the bees our fruits and vegetables would be in trouble. A large percentage of the world's crops are pollinated by bees. Since the bees are in trouble from pesticides, loss of habitat, disease and climate change so are we! 

By planting a bee garden you can give the bees a needed flowe-rich environment in your own back yard.

Some beneficial tips for planting Seed for the bees:

Lets Get Started with some Suggestions and Tips

  • Choose single flower tops like marigolds, rather than double flower tops because double headed flowers produce much less nectar.
  • Choose plants that produce colorful flowers like blue, yellow and white in clusters, because bees like to go flower to flower
    ( bees don't like bold colored flowers )
  • Better to choose seed that is a true to species, ( not hybridized) because seed that is bred tends not to produce as much pollen.
  • Plan for flowers to be blooming from spring to fall for a constant source of food for the bees.
  • Plant seed in a sunny spot and allow an area for bees to burrow or nest.
  • Provide a water souce, mud source, weedy borders and a bee bath.
  • The use of pesticides is not recommended.
  • Companion planting flowers, herbs, fruits, shurbs, flowering trees and vegetables helps to provide food for the bees.
  • Not all weeds are created equal, good weeds needs to stay like milkwood, dandelions, lantans, clover are all excellent bee food.


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