January Seed Packet of the Month - Tulip Tree Seed

The Beautiful Tulip Tree is a member of the magnolia family, (Liriodendron tulipifera) Named for its blooms, which look a lot like tulips.

February Seed Packet of the Month - Sugar Maple Tree Seed

Why Sugar Maple Seed? (Acer Saccharum) Because if you start it in February it will be ready to sow outside in the Spring.

March Seed Packet of the Month - Persimmon Tree Seed

Why Persimmon Tree Seed? (Diospyros virginiana) Because if you start it now it will be ready to sow outside in the Spring.

April Seed Packet of the Month - Balsam Fir Tree Seed

Why Balsam Fir Tree Seed? (Abies balsamea) Because if you start it now it will be ready to sow Outside in May.

May Seed Packet of the Month - White Spruce Tree Seed

Why White Spruce Tree Seed? Because NO stratification required can plant the seeds now for spring and summer growth.

June Seed Packet of the Month - White Fringetree Seed

Why White Fringetree Seed? Because Seed has a double dormancy So a warm period (now) followed by a cold period (late fall & winter) for germination to take place: We recommend starting this seed in June, no time like the present.

July Seed Packet of the Month - Serviceberry Tree Seed

Why Serviceberry Seed? Start seed in July with stratification, sow in the fall for seedlings next spring. A beautiful small flowering tree with all year interest. Gorgeous early white blooms in the spring.

August Seed Packet of the Month - Black Cherry Tree Seed

Why plant Black Cherry Seed in August? The seed needs a long cold period and by starting the seeds now they will be ready to plant next spring. 

September Seed Packet of the Month - Silver Linden Tree Seed

.For a stunning flowering tree for your yard, choose Silver Linden 

 Start the seeds in September for spring sowing as they are slow to germinate due to the hard seed coat.

October Seed Packet of the Month - Hophornbeam Tree Seed

A Seed that is Perfect to Start Sowing in October Hophornbeam Tree Seed

November Seed Packet of the Month - Shagbark Hickory Tree Seed

A large landscape tree provides good shade popular for residential areas and parks.

December Seed Packet of the Month - Black Walnut Tree Seed

Native to North America, Black Walnut is one of the most acclaimed species of our hardwoods.


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