Coniferous trees are classified by seed produced in cones. The cone-bearing trees of pine, fir hemlock, spruce, cedar, redwood are mostly found in countries with harsh winter conditions.

 Did you know that the needles have a waxy outer coat the prevents water loss in freezing temperatures?

Shifts in species composition could bring about major changes in the ecological systems of mixed forests, such as their roles in carbon storage, quality water provision, biodiversity maintenance and wood supply. Evergreen trees are popular in urban landscapes as they provide texture and color to the garden all year round.These cone bearing trees extend from southern USA to the great northern forests : Pine, Fir , Hemlock, Spruce, Redwood, Cedars that have adapted to be the backbone of our environment produce oxygen so we can live.

Conifer forests are changing with the environments they rely on for their subsistence.

Are they in decline?

Shifts in species in the past decades are bringing changes in the Ecological systems of the northern forests. The forests seems to be taking on a more important role in carbon storage, preserving water quality, biodiversity maintenance and wood supply. 

Problems in the Northern Forests are possibly due to:

Significant drought conditions in some area

Heat waves

Outbreak of insects and diseases

Areas of extreme weather events


Diversion of water flow

Human disturbances

habitat loss and fragmentation

Trees cut for farmland

Trees cut for hydro electric projects,

pipelines, roads,

mine sites

What are the Consequences:

Weaken natural systems and disturb habitats Northern Conifer trees have adapted to short winters and maximize photosynthesis.

They support birds, mammals, other wildlife that have adapted to the boreal forest conditions over the years preserving diversity.

Evergreen trees store large amounts of C02 and produce oxygen in the spring and summer with major growth.

The conifer forests have many benefits :

control erosion, increasing nutrients , promote soil formation.

When the ecosystems are disrupted we are all effected.

How can We Help Forest Remain Healthy?

Raise awareness with knowledge of ecosystems “In order to devise measures that help us adapt to climate change, it is essential to analyze the state of forests from the perspective of their ecological functions and services (benefits to humans)," Tsutomu Hiura commented.

Planting Trees is another initiative that is highly recommended Conifer Tree Seed:

Hardy to Zone 3-6

Eastern White Pine:Pinus strobus

Eastern Hemlock:Tsuga canadensis

Mugo Pine:Pinus mugo mughus

Balsam Fir:Abies balsamea

Deodar Cedar: Dedrus deodara


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