Benefits of a Wildflower Garden

 *Plant and sustain a habitat (food source) for pollinators Provide 
    shelter and food for wildlife
 *Prevent Erosion
 *Improve Water Quality

 *Low Maintenance and affordable
 *Beauty in texture, color and natural greenery

Choosing the area for a Wildflower Garden
Wildflower Gardens are expected to be informal and may look a little untidy. With a few years the
wildflowers will grow and reproduce on their own creating a backyard oasis that is uniquely yours.

The general formula for planting wildflowers is

*1/4 lb for 250-500 square feet
*1/2 lb for 500-1000 square feet

*1 lb for 1000-2000 square feet

We like this generous equation as it allows you to plant the seeds dense enough to out-compete the weeds.

Shop for Wildflower Seeds

For popular Wildflower species, annuals, perennial and biennial flowers, see “Flower Seeds”
in the menu at Sheffields.com. You'll find photos, planting suggestions, general information and species characteristics.

     See Wildflower Seeds at Sheffield's Seed 


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